
Children - Molluscum Treat & Cure Guide

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  • Children often catch molluscum bumps from other children. While under the arms and in the arm pit is the most common location for mollusca in children, molluscum on the face is especially problematic.
  • A cluster of molluscum bumps and eczema near the genitals. Our Treatment reduced this in three days and eliminated the lesions completely in three weeks.
  • Highly contagious pus head molluscum is frequently scratched spreading the infection. This molluscum bump needs to be treated quickly and covered.
Now: $10.95
Was: $14.25


Instant access to a detailed treatment guide specially designed for children and infants. At a loss with all the conflicting and contradictory information on treating molluscum available? You will find detailed information on how to use various natural products to treat molluscum. Information on the best methods to use your choose of clove oil, oregano oil, tea tree oil and coconut oil to beat molluscum. They are effective, easy to apply and do not stain linen or clothing. 

Using defined procedures the Treatment guides you through these targets:

Target 1: Stop the spread
Target 2: Dry the pus heads
Target 3: Heal the lesions without scarring
Target 4: Eliminate the infection
Target 5: Stop re-infection

You need to be diligent, consistent and use common sense and you will win through. Molluscum contagiosum can be beaten ... and if you need help we are just an email away.

Instant pdf download after secure payment. Free unlimited after sales email support. Privacy assured. You can use standard international credit cards via the PayPal system without being a PayPal member.

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37 Reviews

  • 5
    Thank you, thank you, thank you

    Posted by Christine on 20th May 2016

    I should have wrote sooner and I apologize for that. I took your advise and have been doing everything that the PDF file said to do. We are down to a dozen spots from 43 spots seven days ago. No one else in the family has contacted it either. Thank you thank you thank you

  • 5
    Wish i would of found this sooner

    Posted by Rachael on 26th Mar 2016

    After battling this awful skin issue for 10 months my Little one went from about 30 to over 2,000 of them. We were going to the derm. every other week to remove them however they simply kept spreading. I am beyond thankful! this has been the best $15.00 I have spent as I have spent over $2,000 on other products and drs visits for this to be what worked

  • 5
    Molluscum disappeared

    Posted by Unknown on 16th Jan 2016

    The treatment really helped my daughter. In 2-3 weeks the molluscum had disappeared.

  • 5
    Great source of info

    Posted by AD - mother on 8th Dec 2015

    Really useful guide. We followed it religIously treating our little boy. Any questions we had were answered in detail and quickly.

  • 5
    It does work

    Posted by Unknown on 2nd Nov 2015

    I'd also like to say that the Guide is really good and does work. Not to say that it was a magic bullet - we had to work at it. But after just a couple of days we could see improvement. After a week we had the infection under control. It took a few more weeks to eliminate most of the molluscum. Even now some still pop up but we now know what to do.

  • 5
    This treatment works!

    Posted by Unknown on 31st Aug 2015

    My son had molluscum for several months and I took him 2x to the doctor's only to be told, it will go away on its own. He started with one bump that looked like a whitehead on the inside of his elbow and several months later, he had over 15 in the same area. Never once did the doctors advise me that this was contagious. We tried the cryotherapy on a few of his bumps only for them to not scab over but more formed where the freezing was done. By this time, several looked pussy and also had spread to his stomach and a few on his legs. With no help from the doctors, I started my own research. With school beginning a month away, I wanted his bumps to be gone. This website was so helpful at all stages of the healing which I had no idea there were different stages and different treatments. Also, the customer service and replies to my questions were replied in less than 24 hours. Thank you thank you as it now has been 3 weeks since we started this treatment and his last bump from the cryotherapy has finally healed and the scab fallen off. I am now a firm believe in the natural way as I would never have thought these products would work but I gave it a try since the doctors were not helping. You have to hang in there and stay the course, it will go away. I still check my son for any new bumps forming but so far in the past week there has been none.

  • 5
    Thank you!

    Posted by JD on 14th Jul 2015

    Thank you so much for this information. My five year old son had small bumps all over his chest and after 3 painful visits to the dermatologist they continued to spread. We were at our breaking point and so glad we found your site. It took a little over four weeks but he is down to just a couple and is healing. I feel that they are finally under control and could not have done this with out your website . Thank you!

  • 5
    Works great

    Posted by ES on 8th Jun 2015

    This guide has worked well for us.

  • 5
    1 year too long

    Posted by Bede & Carol on 16th Apr 2015

    We spent a year trying to cure our two children of molluscum and now three weeks after reading your guide we have finally done it. Thanks!

  • 5

    Posted by Sandy on 9th Feb 2015

    I bought your protocol to treat my 3 1/2 year old daughter who has had molluscum for 2 years. I am astounded to say that it really did work!!. We are pleased and grateful to you. I thought I had the before/after photos to attach but I will send them to you later. Thanks again for making this available online.

  • 5
    I wish I had found you sooner

    Posted by Kim on 24th Dec 2014

    I wish I had found your site sooner my youngest had this too a while back and there was nothing that worked and a lot of pain and agony on everyones part. I'd really have to say thank you, again, for being there with answers I can do something with that actually give results (for a change).

  • 5
    Beat it

    Posted by Dean on 5th Dec 2014

    I know I can beat it with your guide. Thanks for all your help.

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